Saturday, September 30, 2006
Change is good?

Ok... So i've been thinking a little lately about change, marketing, promoting etc... Not for any particular reason at all, just because i guess you could say... I've been pondering the statement often used (and especially in the Church) that change is good... So in thinking about this i was led to the music world where everything that is known is promoted very heavily and i observed a few things...
... First of all you take an artist like Christina Aguilera... How in the world did this girl last past one album, never mind the amount of attention she is getting 6 years into her music career... I'll tell you one big observation i've seen with Mrs. Aguilera and that is that she is never the same. If you look at all 3 of her albums you will notice a different style of music in each disc... but that's only a minor part of it... Her look has taken drastic changes each time around, her image is never the same for any album, and her attitudes etc.. are ever changing in the press... Maybe people like change and this is proof of that... Her first album portrayed her as a pretty inocent teenage girl with some pop flavour... then came the drastic, excuse me for saying skanky image, with her second album which featured a different tempo of music and many trashy lyrics... now we see Christina as a Marilyn Munroe/Madonna wannabee and you know what?.... it's working... isn't it?... Her popularity is getting larger and people in the music industry are taking her more serious and giving her more respect album by album... Whoever is running this show is doing something right... Each change is not only shocking and inviting to the public, but is renewing her and people are almost seeing her as a new artist every time... Is Change a good thing?...Can this be proof that people get tired of the same old all the time and they need something new?.... Can we as ministers and family of the Church learn from this at all???... is it blasphemous that i suggest we learn something form the music world?.... Continued under next heading...
Change is Overrated?

Alright so at the above article we looked at how change is doing wonders for one artist in the music world and it seems to paint a pretty convincing case that people get tired of same old- same old, and that we need to be always changing and reinventing ourselves... Take one look at this picture and you will know where i am going with this...
Alright! For those of you who don't know these guys, you may be lucky or un-lucky... depending on how you see them, but they are a well known band known as Nickelback!. Nickelback in my mind have defied the odds to an extent... They are the poster boys for we won't change... We will keep doing the same thing over and over...our look, music, our lyrics, will always be the same and sound the same... And much to my amazement it has worked... Every album they put out gains at least 3 well known singles... Everyone knows them... Their concerts sell big... and being a "Rolling Stone" guru that i am, the magazine that is, apparently their latest album "All The Right Reasons", which features the single "Photograph" and now has a new single "Savin Me" has sold better than past albums and they keep climbing... Nickelback hasn't lost fans by offering the same thing everytime, rather their fan base has continued to grow and they get more exposure each time they drop something new... While people like me cringe at the uncreativity and simpleness, if not lameness, lol, of Nickelback, I have to admit, I always find myself enjoying their singles at first, they're always very catchy, and i know the lyrics to all their singles immediatley upon being on radio....
Whatever they do, they're doing it right and it appears that they are offering people familiarity, something that most people, groups etc... don't offer very often... While most people push "Change" and lot of time is very successful (See Above Post), or at times "Alienating", Nickelback pushes "familiarity" and does just as well, if not better.... I wonder why this is?.... Is there something to familiarity that people enjoy? Is it a good thing? Can we as the Church learn anything from it, or is familiarity and lack of change the Churches problem???.... Or are maybe some things meant not to change? Does trying to impose change on everything ruin something? No matter how cool or spooky it seems?? These are just some thoughts i've been having lately... I won't answer them i'll just pose them (I kinda sound like a guy ranting against something lol)... What i will say is that I'm starting to like change more and more as time goes by and see the benefit of it... but part of me thinks that some things don't need to change... and should remain the same... What do you think? Do we always have to be changing everything and insist that we're doing everything wrong... or is there something to simplicity and familiarity?... What's with our fascination with new?
Friday, September 29, 2006
A thought from a coffee shop...

The Way I See It #148...
Great teachers should be paid like doctors or corporate attorneys. I worry about what will happen to our economy and our democracy if we don't start to take teachers' jobs seriously. - Ninive Clements Calegari (Author)
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
CD Review- John Mayer "Continuum"

One of my most anticipated new releases of the year finally hit shelves on September 12, 2006 and to my surprise i was left with mixed thoughts... I knew everyone would be quick to call this an awesome album from the get-go, but i for one have done that too many times, only too regret those statements months later lol...
The first song and single "waiting on the world to change"is absolute brilliance and genius... I didn't like this song the first time that i'd heard it but it grew on me and is constantly in my head... Thanks go to starbucks for faithfully playing it... The lyrics in the song are brilliant... Song 2 (I don't trust myself) is probably the weirdest song on the album... It's very Eric Clapton-ish... Probably my least favorite on the disc so far but heck he took a risk... other standouts are "belief", "gravity", and "dreaming with a broken heart"...
This album is very mellow and though i'll always miss the "Room for squares" days, i'll gladly welcome this new Mayer music...My two favorite tracks on the album are "Vultures" and "In Repair"... "Vultures" was featured on his last album with his band "The John Mayer Trio" and though i liked it on that album it's even better sounding under the studio with crisp production... The lyrics talk about facing trials, adversity and pressure from the world and i can easily relate with them as can most people... My other favorite track is song 11, "In repair"... it's got a sweet melody and the lyrics are phenomenal... John Mayer always gets me thinking in his songs and not many artists period can do that... The lyrics really describe life, about how we aren't perfect and never will be but that we're always making improvments and adjustments as we move along life...Other standout tracks include his cover of Jimi hendrix "Bold as love" and "The Heart of Life" shows a nice side to this disc... All in all this is a great album... very mellow but relaxing... Expect awesome guitar playing and amazing vocals... this album will remain in the cd player for a long time... I recommend you check it out, but be prepared to expect the unexpected because this one's a little different from his previous studio efforts... John Mayer saves fall music releases once again and i for one am thankful...
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk...

I thought this picture summed up a lot of how i was feeling quite often lately... For those of you who know me well, you know that i'm not one for backing down to reading or listening to "hard teaching"... To challenging messages and truths from God's word... I'm all for Preacher's and writer's who deliver these truths with boldness, so long as they are making the honest effort to live out what they preach... and i enjoy a good Spiritual Butt-Kicking every now n' then lol... However i think with constantly feeding yourself tough teaching can come a feeling of inadequacy... Sometimes i really look at myself and i think i'm the worst christian ever... You guys ever feel that way? Sometimes after reading a good message on prayer, fasting, living with eternity in mind, or straight out risking and being Sold-Out for the Gospel, i walk away thinking wow am i so far from the mark...i better get myself there and quickly...
I found myself feeling that way last week... That i was so far from where i want to be and it didn't feel hopeless, but it did feel very lonely... And then God showed me once again that we don't have to change ourselves to stand before Him and that we will always fall short on our own... But that He wants to change each of us and make us more and more like Him as we seek Him... So I've decided as good as "Hard teaching" is and i will continue to read it and take from it... That I cannot change myself, but only God can change me... Wow can this creep up on you at odd times lol...Feeling hopeless of measuring up before God on your own, is kind of like crying over spilled milk... It happens and it will get cleaned up eventually... it really isn't so bad and we have a God who is commited to us and who is so faithful (See Sanctification)... So Lord please continue that sanctification process in our lives... and help me keep my confidence in more than myself (which is hopeless), but in You! Where ALL HOPE is found! And I will quit crying over spilled milk... Cuz it's really not that bad and will get cleaned up....eventually....
(This blog was a little therapeutic for me, thanks for reading... i know it's such a simple truth, but it's awesome when it's revealed to you all over again... we really are never beyond any truth in the Word... we must keep re-learning it and living it day in, day out)
Friday, September 15, 2006
Bling Bling!... From the King?

"The idea that God wants everybody to be wealthy? he snorts. "there is a word for that: baloney. It's creating a false idol. You don't measure your self-worth by your net worth. I can show you millions of faithful followers of Christ who live in poverty. Why isn't everyone in the church a millionaire?"
-Rick Warren
"For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"
- Jesus
"But for a growing number of Christians like George Adams, the question is better restated, "Why not gain the whole world, PLUS my soul?"
- Time Article
So this is the cover of this week's Time Magazine and so obviously it sparked my interest and i went out and bought a copy. After reading the article i am left with thoughts that go in every direction... They don't necessarily all fall in the same camp or go together...
Rich: of great value or worth; valuable...
The article showed two sides of the argument of whether God wants believer's to be rich... One side you have well known and respected guys like Rick Warren and Ron Sider...The other side shows other well known and popular people like Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, and Creflo Dollar... Does God want us to be rich is the question at hand... My thoughts after reading this article have me frustrated, hopeful and sad... Sad because issues like this can kind of portray Christians who are "fighting" to the rest of the world... In Corinthians Paul talks about believer's settling disputes among themselves and not going to the world...I hear that loud and clear, but is this a dispute that will only be settled before the world and to possibly HELP people see the True Gospel? Is this a fight worth fighting for the Lord???... Im not going to answer those questions, i'll just let you think about that...
... I was frustrated by this article because i find the "Prosperity" side way too "individualistic". Christianity is never meant to be a "Me first" faith, but focusing on getting rich and prosperous can only lead a person that way, even if they try to deny it... Christianity isn't about us, it's about Jesus and loving others...I used to fight ALOT about how much i disagree with "Prosperity Gospel".. one look at the third world poverty in which believers live in puts a serious end to the argument, if we choose not to be ignorant... But as someone has said and this is also true of me, this type of fighting about this doctrine with others only ended in using the Bible as a weapon to prove my points and caused further division... My final comments here is that if we really look at what Jesus had to say about money, we would most likely become very uncomfortable... and we'd live to give... "Prosperity" is very popular here in North america because we live in a prosperous place and this Gospel can make us feel good as we get rich and neglect some of Jesus' teachings about the poor etc... This gospel can even be very attractive to people in need... "Read what you believe or believe what you read?" Each time we read the bible we must ask ourselves whether we are reading the truth afresh, or putting our beliefs that may have been taught to us by our culture into the reading of the text... The Bible surpasses all culture and is Final Truth and we must not read our own agendas and wants into it's message, Lord help me to never do that...
... And finally i was left feeling a little hopeful, because i came to an answer to the question "Does God want you to be rich?" and that answer i believe is yes (with a little bit of no lol)... I truly believe God wants us to be rich in love, rich in giving, rich in sacrifice, rich in relationships, rich in outreach, rich in that unselfish giving love that Jesus came and gave to all of us... I think Jesus is less concerned about our pocket books , than He is about lost souls who may face eternal consequences... I believe the material world should be enjoyed to an extent, but is never our reason for living here and isn't our first priority as followers of Christ... I'd hate the site of getting to judgment day (Hebrews 9:27) and saying" look at all my nice stuff God, my bank account is LOADED." Are we living to be Rich in the areas that really matter to God? The article ends with talking about one pastor who overseen a building project for people to live in and that if God does wants us to be rich in this life, it's this richness of spirit that he is most eager for us to have... I won't so much end by fighting against "Prosperity Gospel" so much as i'll just say, What matters most to Jesus? and What are your priorities in this life? Interesting article by Time and it was actually fair to all sides, check it out if you get a chance... until then keep being Rich in the spirit of love, I'd think God wants that for us... and be BLESSED!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Was There Ever Any Doubt???

Well one of my favorite shows of the summer (I only watch two) has just come to an end and I am very pleased with the outcome. As soon as the First episode of Rockstar:Supernova began i picked Lukas Rossi to win... Many people doubted that choice but i KNEW all along that he would win, there was just never a doubt... His look immediately reaked of "Rockstar", his new clothes and attitude gave off that vibe even more, His determination was a "First place or your last" mentality kinda like good old Ricky Bobby and He was a great singer... In an odd way, the way he carried himself and his determination was kind of inspiring to some extent.. He almost had a "nice arrogance" if you can say such a thing? He was confident in his abilities and it's what brought him to the end... I'm not gonna say he had the best "Voice" per say out of the bunch, but C'mon Rockstar isn't American idol and "Voice" plays a role but not the whole role of the front man of a band...Lukas possessed "Front Man" Qualities, right off the get go and heck he did an amazing "Radiohead"...
I think he will make a great front man and almost guarantees that i will be purchasing Supernova's Album when it hits stores on November 14. I find it kinda odd however how both years that Rockstar has been going that Canadians have won both times...Kinda cool though... Anyways here's a post, a kind of tribute and congrats to Mr.rossi, I knew you'd do it!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
"It's the most wonderful time of the year...."

Well the time has FINALLY come! A new NFL season... a new New York Jets season... another chance for Chad Pennington to regain his QB form and show up the critics... Another time for Terrel owens to get kicked off his team... another time to see if Brett Favre really should have retired... A new beginning for New Orleans and Reggie Bush... Another 16 game season... With playoffs in January... Another season of fantasy football... What will Ricky williams do even when he's not in the league lol... Who will be the suprise player and playoff team... Will the Steeler's repeat as Super Bowl champions... Will i be disappointed again come mid-October... AHHH the possibilities..
As you can tell I am pumped for the NFL season to begin, it truly is my favorite sport... Kickoff is tonight at 6:30 and I'm at work...Ah well though, all the action really kicks off on Sunday... I predict the dolphins beat the Steeler's tonite...Should be a good season... I raise my cup to the New York jets, my boys since the beginning and say *cheers*.... For anyone who cares or shares this same love... Enjoy the season... Win, lose, or draw...It's gonna be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Crocodile Man!

I'm sure many of you have heard the news throughout the media reports about the man whom we have come to know as "The Crocodile hunter", Steve Irwin. He passed away this week much to the amazement of many. Irwin had always lived what i would like to call an adventerous life. His job was what i would call high risk work and i remember shaking my head while watching his show looking at some of the things he was doing, with dangerous animals and in dangerous lands/waters. His life was definately fast paced and lived looking risk in the face and laughing at it. The cause of his death was that he got stung by a sting ray, which makes him the the third person to ever die this way in history. I heard on the radio that the odds of being stung by a sting ray are compared to: Walking out your front door and getting struck by lightning in broad daylight! I'd say those odds aren't very good and am very suprised how he got through so many other big risks and this little risk was the one that cost the most.
Anyways, after thinking about and hearing about his death this past week, i was struck with the thought that this man did "His Thing", so to say. He knew what he was passionate about and what he enjoyed, what drove his life and he lived in and out of that place day in, day out, defying the risks that come with it... People often laughed, criticized, mocked, ridiculed, and passed judgment on his lifestyle, but in the face of all this, his passion and what he cared about outweighed any of this and he lived for what he chose was most important to him... I think there is a big lesson in there for me... Does my passion and purpose outweight the crticisms, mocking and judgment of this world??? Is living fully for Christ really worth it to us??? And will we follow no matter what others say, or what risks lie ahead??? ...
One thing i know is Steve Irwin chose the way of his heart and lived it out fully and for that he lived for what he cared for... It'd be cool to look back on my life and have others look at my life and hopefully see that i lived passionately and without wavering for what was important to me... There are lots of cool things in life like entertainment (see above NFL Post), work etc... but what is it that is going to drive me or us above all? And are we making the effort to be there... Mr.Irwin you have been an unexpected inspiration...
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