Tuesday, April 15, 2008

People along the way.

It's amazing, the impact of spending a couple of days with people whom you have never met, can have on you! This past weekend i was leading the services at our church as our Senior Pastor was away. Thankfully, and I only say this because I was already very busy on the weekend, we had booked a missionary couple to come in and speak at both services!
This couple is on their way to Mozambique and have a passion for seeing the world, in the land in which they were born and raised come to know Jesus! I dropped them off at the airport yesterday morning and feel better for the time I was able to spend with them!
In the morning service the man spoke about Jesus washing His disciples feet. He asked the question, "If Jesus were to walk in here this morning, would you let Him wash your feet?" He presented a lot of background info during his lecture and it really caused me to think about the whole story much deeper. I don't know if i'd be so open to letting Jesus wash my feet! As God, I look up to Him and worship Him and to think if He physically came into our sanctuary, how could I not just bow facedown to the ground and worship? The idea of this man coming to wash an ordinary sinful man like me... Washing my feet??? It seems scandalous and rude to even consider, doesn't it?
And yet, another man named Peter once thought the same thing and vowed that God would never wash His feet... And yet, Jesus responded to him, saying that unless He does, Peter can have no part of Him! In this act of Humility, Jesus cleanses us and not just us, but our feet.... and I'm inclined to believe that He did this, so that we will be fit for the journey that is ahead for us here on earth!
This missionary couple were so humble, friendly and the love of Jesus was very evident in them... I feel like I learned something by just having dinner with them... I feel like i may be missing something and that I need to look to Jesus all the more, everyday... The way they interacted with our Church and people was impressive... They encouraged us in the faith and challenged us to take hope and joy in our cause: The Gospel! They motivated me to run harder in the race and as far as i'm concerned that is the role of a minister! And the best part about them, was that they would probably be the kind of people who would get down, pull out the cloth/water and wash our feet as well!
Just some weekend thoughts...

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Check these guys out...

Sittin around the office preparing some messages for the weekend and thought i'd stop and inform anyone who reads about my new favorite band of the last couple weeks: The New Frontiers!
I heard about this album through online reviews a few weeks back and was intrigued by all the positive press, except for one bad review. Ironically, I think it was that negative review that actually got me interested in them in the first place. I guess the saying rings true again: No press is bad press!
I don't know how to describe them... At first i thought a little like Wilco, Coldplay and Copeland... at least hints of each... At first i thought it was ok, average at best... but now at least 15 listens later, i have to admit it is one of the best discs i have bought in a long time! It took me a little while to get into... i even had to work at it... but wow did it ever pay off in the end! Very releaxing, peaceful, and allows one to think! Good lyrics are a must in any good music for me. You can actually tell that the singer cares about what he's singing. Kind of a rare thing these days.... As far as i know you can only order the disc through their site, but you can download it on itunes... I recommend you all give them a listen! Check them out at :www.myspace.com/thenewfrontiers

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