Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Give Yourself Away...

This is the new album by the Robbie Seay Band. I've heard a lot of good talk and reviews about their music, but have never really listened to any of it until last week. Relevant Magazine had a promo on this past weekend, that if you signed up for their newsletter and for the bands newsletter than you could download their album for free, before it was released... Which so happens to be today!

I've only listened through the album twice, but am already sold on the band's message and music. The song "New Day", put me in tears the other day and continues to be a song of hope in my cd player. The title of the album, was of great interest to me. The whole idea of "Giving yourself away!"... is in my mind really the call of the gospel. Jesus bids a man, come and die and follow Him. In that we really give our lives to him, and present ourselves as living SACRIFICES to be used for His glory (see. Matt. 16:24-28; 1 Corinthians 6:19-20; Romans 12:1-2). The gospel message is all about giving ourselves away to be used for Greater purposes, Eternal ones...

I've been reading a book lately by author Matthew Paul Turner... it's called Provocative faith and in the book he challenges us the readers, with the teachings of Jesus' message that say: the last on this earth will indeed be first later on (see. Matt. 19:30), that giving ourselves away is the best way to honor Jesus' teaching and that our human wisdom definately ain't the wisdom of God. It's a good book and i recommend you read it and check out his other stuff. In the books final chapter, he teaches on Jesus' words found in Matthew 6:19-21 that say, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth... but store up treasures in heaven... for where your treasure is, there your ehart will be also."

That's the Jordan mcLellan condensed version of the scripture... but he really challenged me in wondering how often does my life really revolve around the almighty ME? If the gospel, shows us a Lord who gave Himself away and we as believers are called to do the same thing, then either we work toward that path or disobey...right? Matthew poses the question regarding the scriptures, he says, "Do we HONESTLY believe what Jesus said in these verses to be true -- that creating treasures here on earth is a waste of time?"... do we believe this?... What a challenging question and if we do believe this, then our treasure must be where His is and that isn't easy... Needless to say, i've been challenged and see so often, especially in the last month or so when the attention was on me for my new marriage, new job, etc... that i so often choose for me, rather than giving myself away for others... the call of the gospel is to give ourselves away and it wars with a cultural mindset that says: look out for yourself and get all you can while you can... I think of some of our most popular teaching in the church today about prosperity and as Joel Osteen's new book is titled, "Becoming a better you!" and I wonder was it ever really about me?... Don't these mind sets contradict the message of giving ourselves away as living sacrifices found in Romans 12?.... and shouldn't the book titles be more about focusing on making Jesus look better in this world?... I've fought with this for years and will probably continue to do so... that is life... and these are my thoughts today... but i've been challenged and know that God is calling me to live for Him and in that also for others (see: Matt 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27)... But if you get a chance, give the cd a listen and check out this interview that Matthew Paul Turner did with them at: relevant magazine.com...


Sunday, August 19, 2007

And it Finally happened....

We got married on July 28, 2007. Well most of you know that we got married a few weeks back and i must say life has been great! LOVING our new home, new job, new ministry appointment, and my beautiful wife!
We are back in Thompson now... The honeymoon was great...we enjoyed various places and fancy rooms across Alberta and Saskatchewan! And a nice stop to our friends Terrin & Brett's wedding! It's good to be home though... I just finished preaching my first Sunday Morning in Church and my message is really where I am at right now... God has led us here on the journey and it's neat. I'm thankful He's here with us! At first i was afraid to come back to Thompson, as it's been 5.5 years and i find myself to be a complete larger city guy... But i now see it as a little adventerous and look forward to the upcoming year!
I doubt many people will read this, as blogging has kinda been lost for facebook and myspace, but I think i need to blog a little being that I am a little isolated from friends, other cities etc.... Ah well, i've got a great wife, church, youth group, and newly opened Starbucks, so i'm set! Remember friends: When God opens a door, He opens a Starbucks!!!!
Anyhow... This will be my spot where i ramble, update, do book/music reviews and post thoughts for the year... look to hear from you friends!!!! Grace!

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