Thursday, September 21, 2006
Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk...
I thought this picture summed up a lot of how i was feeling quite often lately... For those of you who know me well, you know that i'm not one for backing down to reading or listening to "hard teaching"... To challenging messages and truths from God's word... I'm all for Preacher's and writer's who deliver these truths with boldness, so long as they are making the honest effort to live out what they preach... and i enjoy a good Spiritual Butt-Kicking every now n' then lol... However i think with constantly feeding yourself tough teaching can come a feeling of inadequacy... Sometimes i really look at myself and i think i'm the worst christian ever... You guys ever feel that way? Sometimes after reading a good message on prayer, fasting, living with eternity in mind, or straight out risking and being Sold-Out for the Gospel, i walk away thinking wow am i so far from the mark...i better get myself there and quickly...
I found myself feeling that way last week... That i was so far from where i want to be and it didn't feel hopeless, but it did feel very lonely... And then God showed me once again that we don't have to change ourselves to stand before Him and that we will always fall short on our own... But that He wants to change each of us and make us more and more like Him as we seek Him... So I've decided as good as "Hard teaching" is and i will continue to read it and take from it... That I cannot change myself, but only God can change me... Wow can this creep up on you at odd times lol...Feeling hopeless of measuring up before God on your own, is kind of like crying over spilled milk... It happens and it will get cleaned up eventually... it really isn't so bad and we have a God who is commited to us and who is so faithful (See Sanctification)... So Lord please continue that sanctification process in our lives... and help me keep my confidence in more than myself (which is hopeless), but in You! Where ALL HOPE is found! And I will quit crying over spilled milk... Cuz it's really not that bad and will get cleaned up....eventually....
(This blog was a little therapeutic for me, thanks for reading... i know it's such a simple truth, but it's awesome when it's revealed to you all over again... we really are never beyond any truth in the Word... we must keep re-learning it and living it day in, day out)
Thanks for sharing, and being vulnerable. I appreciated it.
Love you!
.. but please don't mock me... I'm still only 5 feet 6 inches tall...i havent't been growing! *sad face*
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