Thursday, August 31, 2006
School time already???

3 Rules for going back to school:
1) Don't miss your orientation... I'm absolutely telling you if you miss this...then that's it... you've basically failed.. it's true! (O.K. Maybe not all that true, i seemed to fair well)
2) Wear your new "cool" outfit! Like really you gotta be HIP to go to school, so make sure you're wearing something new! (and make it blatantly obvious like a high school student that this exactly what you're doing lol)
3) Enjoy the day before school starts because after that day you have officially entered the danger zone of tests, assignments, stress, long lectures, and early mornings... let the crying begin on day 1...
Ok, so i'm obviously being a little silly with the above comments... It's hard to believe that four months has already past since the last college semester.. But this is an odd time of year for me because unlike the past four years, I am NOT returning to school for the fall. And to tell you the truth, i'm for the most part pretty happy and content with that... I must admit that I will miss meeting new people and the whole first couple weeks of school hype, but beyond that i'm just going to enjoy no tests, assignments and deadlines for academics for a while. It is a very different feeling though... and to tell you the honest truth, i think i've done more studying and reading since i've been out of school then when i was in school..
I find it kind of odd.. Maybe it's because i now get to choose what to read or study.. Or maybe it's just that my human nature reacts differently towards studying..What do i mean you ask??? Well, in school for the most part i enjoyed a lot of my studying and assignments, but there's just something about HAVING to do something with a deadline in tact, than just doing it because you want to... Am i making sense? Learning is taking on a different meaning for me.. It's no longer so much to pass tests and get good marks, but it's so that i am better educated in this life for daily living etc.. (I never had a problem memorizing a bunch of stuff and writing it out all out again.. i'd just forget most of it a week later)... Maybe that's the way i should have always looked at learning but i guess i didn't... and so i'm kind of enjoying education right just costs less and is becoming very efficient... Books, magazines (Rolling Stone, Time), Newspapers, Television is all really good learning right now.. I do however miss the atmosphere of a classroom at times but more often than none, I find that i learn best with a book in front of me and a Starbucks coffee on the side.. Anyways for all who are going back to school, i TRULY hope you have an awesome year and enjoy your study's and making new friends etc... and mid terms that are now officially in 5 and a half weeks lol... ok that was a little uncalled for... but have fun, make the most of it and the money you pour into it... Don't let that side of us that's lazy and sluggish get the best of ya (I could... will... learn from this)...Later!
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