Saturday, August 12, 2006

The False Myth of safety and security!

Ok, so here we go rant #1 in a long while lol. I've been thinking alot lately about the safe and secure place that we as humans like to live in. The place that requires little risk to be taken and no consequence or trouble to face. For example, i used to look at school as a "safe" place to be. It kept me from having to work and was easy going knowing that i was preparing for the future and not yet living it. But the time has come that school has ended and instead of feeling unsafe i feel, well, the same, maybe even a little better. No more homework this year, not as much stress about tests, evening off for the most part, pastoring youth and working at a music store, sounds good to me.
The reason i'm writing this is because as of late i've come to see that the secure/safe place that we like to enjoy and live in by nature is non-existent. Rather everything that we do requires with it some risk, that feeling of uncertainty and possibility of failure or loss. Driving to work today involved risk, typing this blog while at work requires risk lol, going to college brings risk, entering ministry requires risk etc... You get the point! That safe/secure place that we try to find and live in is millions of miles away because we truly don't know what each day, moment or second will bring! I'm not trying to sound morbid here but i'm beginning to see that the Christian life shouldn't be lived in safety for there is none, but God is calling me to RISK for Him! When i was 18 i used to gamble alot and risk very often... a few months ago God challenged me to start risking for Him and quit trying to live in the safe place where you got life under wraps and figured out because that place is fictional and non-existent!
The early disciples didn't have a safe place in this walk known as Christianity. Many Christians even today in parts of world still face persecution, suffering and even death for their faith. I don't know why i'm ranting about this, i guess it's because i notice that i put limits on myself alot and it's often because stepping out is hard and feels unsafe, while remaining idle feels so safe/secure when in reality it's very dangerous! Dangerous to my faith and limits what can actually can be done for God! Anyhow those are some of my thoughts lately, defeating the myth of safety and security, our only safety/security is in Christ and walking in His perfect will! Finding that though can be very least to me it is...

"Then Moses said, "If you don't go with us personally, don't let us move a step from this place." - Exodus 33:15 (NLT)

Man when I read your blog it totally reminded me of one of the two "days" from Nasser's book that really stuck with me...the illusions that we have. So many times we dupe ourselves into believing things and until we can see past the veil we go on our merry little way. It sounds like you've realized an illusion in your life. That's cool man.

Joe I hope that you had a super time. When I heard that you had gone I was soooo excited for you:) I guess coming from me that's no surprise eh?
Dude, that was a good thought. I totaly agree, there is no way we can be a totaly focused Christian if were living our lives with the mind set of looking for a 'safe place', for us there is no such thing. Pegged the nail Jordo, I like it.
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