Monday, August 28, 2006

And then there were 8...

Well nothing is for sure anymore... Went to bed on Thrusday evening, seemed like a pretty normal evening and my dismay to see that we have lost a planet in our Solar System. My first thought was, "Is this legal?" And who has the authority to make such decisions? But alas it is gone and Pluto remains only in our hearts and no longer with us!
I feel slightly ripped off and feel for those schools who are going to have to replace science textbooks by the thousands.. Let's do a little conspiracy theory here for a minute... Imagine the money this is going to bring in on sales alone.. All those portraits and pics of the universe seen on books, paintings, pictures, need to be replaced because one has left the fold. Pretty genius idea if it was for business eh?
This seems a little like the show Big Brother to me. Pluto must have ticked off all the people and been voted off... Why wasn't it given a chance to win a power-veto and stick around for a while longer? I'm totally joking, just want to have a little fun with this... Or is it possible that snakes have invaded Pluto and we no longer want any association with this planet... Snakes on Pluto in 2007???
Anyhow whatever the reasoning, this is my tribute to Pluto. You will be missed! You have been demoted apparently.

Pluto 1930- 2006 (R.I.P.)

We lost a planet?? That's what happens when you don't get the newspaper!!
that made me laugh...
pluto you will be missed... enjoy the rest of your life as a moon...
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