Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tea: Relaxing Therapy
Well it's been a while since i have last posted, things have been busy, a little more than i like... Tonight i actually made the time to have a nice relaxing night and to my's just what i needed... It all went down at McNally Robinson's Bistro... where i enjoyed a great cup of tea and a good book, with my girlfriend and a good buddy... Pastor John lately has been talking lots about tea... He's convinced that people who drink tea live longer... to support his case, he points to the fact that his wife Donna's family, lives long... They all live to their late 90's, even 100's of life and he feels that tea drinking has something to do with it because they're all tea drinkers... he talked about how tea is a relaxing drink, that you sip slowly and enjoy each sip of the hot beverage... He feels that their tea drinking, has brought them lots of time for relaxation and rest that most people never take the time to experience... Tea can make you live longer...
... Now i'm not totally sure if i agree with that and i'm also not totally sure if he 100% agrees with that or just likes to speculate about it.. but tonight i put his thesis into practice and much to my amazement, it was just what i needed... a nice hot glass of tea that came with a really nice looking pot... a GREAT book, ("The Great Ommission" by Dallas Willard) for all you book guru's, by it right now, it's pivotal... and a nice atmosphere with my girlfriend and buddy... Im not quite totally convinced these types of experiences will guarantee that i live longer, but i do know one thing, and that is that i need more of them... In Willard's book, he argues that the neglect of the sabbath, especially in the lives of ministers, is what leads to unsatisfaction, failure and the lack of God's presence in our ministries... I won't talk too much about the book, but he spends a good amount of time talking about spiritual disciplines... he also discusses the need for times of rest and relaxing... I think we do ourselves well when we make time for these things, obviously McNally Robinson isn't the best place to do this, but tonight was a great start... a good book, and a nice cup of tea really did me some good tonight and i look forward to my many more future times around the tea table... Check it out for yourself sometime, and let the relaxing begin... we all probably need more of it, i'm thankful for the leading of tea in bringing me to these much needed points of rest and relaxation... yes, i'd like more hot water....
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